Copyright law is at the forefront of determining value and wealth in the information age, and the attorneys at Imagine Law have been at the intersection of copyright law and new technology legal issues for decades. Our expert lawyers provide a full copyright service, dealing with all aspects, from the acquisition, exploitation, and enforcement of our clients' valuable copyrights and moral rights.
Imagine Law is a leading copyright law firm based in San Francisco. We counsel our global client base on best strategies to protect their copyrights, perform transactional copyright matters such as registrations, transfers and licenses, as well as engage in copyright litigation and other enforcement measures to protect our clients' legal rights. We have experience handling international copyright licenses as well as domestic publishing and distribution agreements. We draft and negotiate copyright licensing or transfer agreements covering a wide range of works including software, music, movies, video games, print, photo, dance, and more.
We also represent software and technology companies on protection from legal liability for contributory copyright infringement over third-parties' infringing activities using their products or services. We advise Internet businesses, computer scientists, and reverse engineers about the legal risks posed by copyright law over their research or product development plans.
Our attorneys have particular expertise on digital copyright issues including intermediary liability, file-sharing software, fair use, royalty collection, and compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's (DMCA) "notice and take-down" and anti-circumvention provisions.
Copyrights are a vital tool for the creation and protection of valuable business assets, and the attorneys at Imagine Law are available to help you manage and exploit your copyrighted information. We help our clients to realize the full value of their copyrighted assets and provide expert advice and guidance to those involved in copyright disputes. Our attorneys have significant experience representing both traditional and new media clients on copyright legal matters and are available to assist your business grow today.